Thursday, May 21, 2009

The face of health & beauty is changing

As the largest organ in the body, our skin has a big job covering and protecting everything on our insides. But things like UV radiation, atmosphericAs the largest organ in the body, our skin has a big job covering and protecting everything on our insides. But things like UV radiation, atmospheric pollution, cuts and stress all take their toll, accelerating the natural process of aging. 

Plus, when you add in a lack of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, coupled with poor digestion and a weakened immune system, you get a sallow complexion, lifeless hair and brittle or discolored nails. 

That’s where modern nutricosmetics and cosmeceuticals come in. No longer concerned with just covering up wrinkles, blemishes and other beauty imperfections, today’s health & beauty industries are tapping into the natural healing powers of phytonutrients. 

As a result, they’ve created a range of formulations that can be taken orally or applied directly to the skin as an effective defense against aging.

CTMW March 2007

By Lakshmi Prakash, Sabinsa Corporation

Monday, April 13, 2009


The popularity of yoga and its miraculous healing powers is gaining prominence with time. If you are looking at various ways to keep your heart healthy and cardiovascular disorders at bay, then yoga is one natural healthy option. After all, various news of yoga aiding in a healthy heart are spreading rapidly and these news are actually true. Given below are ways by which yoga can help in keeping your heart healthy and fit.

A number of cardiovascular disorders, high blood pressure and hypertension have their roots in stress. The levels of stress are soaring high in today’s fast paced world. Yoga comes in handy here as its breathing exercises, meditation and asanas help in de-stressing a person which in turn leads to lowering of blood pressure and healthy functioning of the heart.

Yoga combined with meditation offers the best way to ward off unnecessary stress associated with daily life. Thus, yoga helps in enhancing the circulatory system thereby preventing heart related problems. Additionally, the yogic asanas can help in building up strong heart muscles.

As discussed before, yogic asanas helps in improving the cardiovascular efficiency along with helping reduce cholesterol, high blood pressure and hypertension. Here are some yogic asanas which are particularly helpful for the heart. Kapalabhati breathing which is a kind of pranayama technique involving rapid breathing successions is quite beneficial. Similarly, certain yogic poses like those of mountain, tree, and triangle pose are also beneficial for the healthy functioning of the heart. There are also certain stretching asanas which enhance the blood flow to improve cardiovascular functioning.

Thus, you should acquaint yourself with some of the basic yet essential asanas of yoga to keep your heart and cardiovascular system in a healthy condition. By doing yoga, you not only have a healthy heart, but also a healthy mind and body.

The Secret Of a SEXY Body

Women have unique health concerns. From weight loss issues to pregnancy and breast health, to the various ways that health affects women, women’s health covers a broad range of topics. One of the key factors in maintaining women’s health is employing physicians who understand women and their unique needs. Women have a lighter bone structure than men, which makes them prone to osteoporosis and broken bones as they age. The lighter bone mass also makes them susceptible to weakening bone mass as women age. There are various treatment options women have when dealing with bone health, and it is vital that women are aware of their bone health from an early age. The way a woman treats her bones in her twenties can affect her bone strength in her eighties. Calcium supplementation and medication which helps to restore bone strength are treatment options available to women through their physician. Osteoporosis can lead to a loss of independence in older women. Women are more prone to heart disease than men. Women are not only more likely to have a heart attack than men, they are also less likely to survive one. Heart health is particularly important for women, as over 350,000 women in the United States alone die annually from heart disease. A healthy lifestyle is the best defense against heart disease. Promoting women’s heart health to increase public awareness is especially important, and physicians who understand women’s health are most likely to effectively promote women’s heart care needs.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Home remedies for gastritis.

Gastritis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane lining of the stomach. Home remedies for gastritis help a lot to control the disease than any other medication.

The symptoms of gastritis include loss of appetite, blood vomiting, burning feeling in the stomach, abdominal bloating, belching, severe stomach pain etc.

Drink lot of water. Include juices and ad libitum quantity of water to avoid gastritis. Lemon juice with a pinch of salt also fetch you fruitful results.

Before taking food chew small piece of ginger with a pinch of salt. This will help in digestion.Severe gastritis get cured with this simple home remedy.

You can immerse figs in warm water. Then filter it and drink twice daily to drive the symptoms of gastritis completely.

Licorice root tea may be immersed in a hot water to make a tea. Strain it and drink the tea at least thrice daily for a week.

Other plant leaves like guava, turmeric leaves may be consumed to remove the symptoms of gastritis.

Eat chopped chick peas (hummus), if your symptom is extensive and chronic.

Always avoid citric acid rich juices, carbonated beverages and acidic beverages like coffee should be avoided completely.

Your nails can tell a lot about your health, so if they're not strong and healthy looking, check out these tips.

Mental Health Patients At Mental Care Center Of Xining

XINING, CHINA - MARCH 15: (CHINA OUT) A mental health patient basks at the Mental Care Center of Xining Welfare Institution on March 15, 2006 in Xining of Qinghai Province, China. According to a survey conducted by Peking University's Centre of Clinical Psychology, thirteen out of about every 1,000 Chinese have mental health problems, and about 16 million suffer from melancholia.

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